Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Morning

Every morning is different, but when I woke up this morning there was a tangible peace that covered our home. You could almost reach out and touch it. It was soft and buttery. 

I got up and turned the heater on. Then I went into my daughter's room to snuggle her. She was awake and we played and tickled. It was a sweet moment. I love kissing her soft happy cheeks. 

We made our way to the living room. Dad and our dog Charlie were sleeping in. Eliora is allowed to watch one video in the morning and she choose Clifford, The Big Red Dog. I put on some hot water for tea and warmed her some apple cider. 

It was the perfect morning. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. It was cold, grey, and wet. But we were cozy in our cottage. The leaves outside coating the ground with magic. The squirrels and birds were busy hustling about. I decided to take a few pictures despite the low lighting. Thought I would share them with you. Blessings!



Have a wonderful Sunday!

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